One page has been dedicated to each member of batch of 1964. You are welcome to update this information from time to time. You must Log In for editing Class Book or uploading pictures. Look forward to your feedback.

Class Book
Madhu Gupta

S-357, Panchshila Park, New Delhi 110017



Spouse: Dr. Suresh Gupta, Cardiologist, not in active practice now, 1st daughter: Divya Gupta, MAMC graduate, neurologist, sleep and neuroelectro-physiology specialist, currently in NJ, USA, ph. no. 860-989-8849 2nd daughter: Shikha Khosla, MAMC graduate, endocrinologist, currently in Maryland, USA ph: no. 301-467-1539 Son: saurabh Gupta, biomedical engineer, currently working with Pivotal labs, USA, in NJ,