One page has been dedicated to each member of batch of 1964. You are welcome to update this information from time to time. You must Log In for editing Class Book or uploading pictures. Look forward to your feedback.

Class Book
Arshad Khan

657 Willow Wood Drive Waterloo,On N2T 2T7 Canada



Wife same as before, same batch, family Doc.
Son: Rajal , Gastroenterologist, married, no kids yet.
Daughter: Aanchal, lawyer engaged

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have not kept in contact with as many people as we would have liked to. We have lived in Canada since 1972. I am interested in Urdu poetry and have recently got a book published of my collection of poetry. I also have an interest in magic and have been an active member of the International brotherhood of Magicians since 1974, and hold the title of Order of Merlin,Shield. Both Rita and I do some volunteer work. She is on the board of directors of various organizations-off and on.We have also staged seven hindi 3-act plays for charity over the years