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Class Book
Kiran (Madan) Gulati

521, South Spinningwheel Lane, Bloomfoeld Lane, Michigan, USA 48304


Subash C Gulati, MD,FRCP(C) and Endocrinologist (Retired), former Chief of Endocrionology, Wayne State University, Detroit,MI Mridu Gulati: MD,MPH,An Astt Professor of Medicine,Yale University, New Raven, CT,Specialities in Pulmonary, Intensive/ Critical Care and Occupational Therapy. Maneesh Gulati : JD:Partner, Intellectual Property Group, McCarrier & English, LLP, New York, NY. Specializes in biotechnology patent work.

I moved to USA in August 1969 shortly after my marriage. After four years in Minnepolis and Philadelphia, we moved to Detroit in 1973, where I completed my Pathology residency. We have lived in the suburbs of Detroit ever since. We have been blessed with two successful children and also three grandsons living in the New York area. Over the years, we have been actively involved with our extended family and Friends.