One page has been dedicated to each member of batch of 1964. You are welcome to update this information from time to time. You must Log In for editing Class Book or uploading pictures. Look forward to your feedback.

Class Book
Damini (Bahiri) Manchanda

R-721, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060



Dr.Subhash Manchanda (spouse) Sr.Consultant Cardiologist
Dr.Neeraj Manchanda (Son) Consultanat Ophthalmologiest
Dr.Payal Manchanda (Daughter-in-Law) Dental Consultant
Mrs.Sumita Gandotra (Daughter) House Wife
Mr.Dheeraj Gandotra (Son-in-Law) Real Estate Consultant

Worked as Medical Officer in CGHS for 37 years. Retired 7 years back.