One page has been dedicated to each member of batch of 1964. You are welcome to update this information from time to time. You must Log In for editing Class Book or uploading pictures. Look forward to your feedback.

Class Book
Ashutosh Gupta

403 Saint marks Ct. Oak Brook, IL. 60523.



Sudha R. Gupta
Neurologist, retired in 2011 after 30 years of work at V.A. Hospital and Loyola University in Chicago. Currently doing volunteer work as an acupuncturist at V.A. Hospital and a community clinic.

1. Shailly Barnes, married to Adam Barnes.
Two children: Indi, born 02/2008 and Jack Vir, born 11/2011. Lives in New York, N.Y.
2. Ambika Spinazzola, married to Jeffrey Spinazzola.
One child: Landi Jane, born 1/2009. Lives in Charllotte, N.C.

After completing M.D. Medicine from MAMC, I came to USA in 1974. I completed my Nephrology fellowship from University of Chicago and joined a group private practice with NAN in 1978. I have been affiliated with several area community hospitals and Fresenius Dialysis centers in Chicago. I have actively participated in various community and professional organizations (IAMA (IL), AAPI, MAMCOAANA, ACP and the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago) from 1985 onwards.