Sudha R. Gupta-
Neurologist, retired in 2011 after 30 years of work at V.A. Hospital and Loyola University in Chicago. Currently doing volunteer work as an acupuncturist at V.A. Hospital and a community clinic.
1. Shailly Barnes, married to Adam Barnes.
Two children: Indi, born 02/2008 and Jack Vir, born 11/2011. Lives in New York, N.Y.
2. Ambika Spinazzola, married to Jeffrey Spinazzola.
One child: Landi Jane, born 1/2009. Lives in Charllotte, N.C.
After completing M.D. Medicine from MAMC, I came to USA in 1974. I completed my Nephrology fellowship from University of Chicago and joined a group private practice with NAN in 1978. I have been affiliated with several area community hospitals and Fresenius Dialysis centers in Chicago. I have actively participated in various community and professional organizations (IAMA (IL), AAPI, MAMCOAANA, ACP and the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago) from 1985 onwards.